Tuesday, May 18, 2010

16 Months going on 20

OOPS, forgot to post.....
Happy 16 Months!! Wow what a fun and interesting stage we are at right now. One things for sure she keeps me on my toes. Aves is into and trying to figure out everything. Oh and man does she have a temper. When she doesnt get her way or is trying to figure something out and you step in to help you better watch out b/c you might get kicked by the hands or feet that start going ninety to nothing. When she gets in trouble she is good at point at something else and laughing to try to change the situtation. Oh boy do we have our hands full.

A few girly things she is into:

having her hair done in the mornings, brushing her hair, pretending to put on makeup, wearing about 3 different necklace at a time, carry purses around the house, spitting when brushing teeth (not girly but had to add). If I am doing it you better believe she will turn right around and do the same thing.

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