Tuesday, April 13, 2010

15 months

Wow!! these monthly pictures get harder and harder, but still so fun to see how much she changes. Aves is full of energy, love, and into everything. My new word has become NO MA'AM! I'm sure I sound like a tape recorder. Aves loves turning the tv on and off....anything with buttons and a light she will push and laugh afterwards. She really knows how to push my buttons too. ha! We love you so much Aves.
What else she is doing.....

- weighs 20.4

- height 30 in

- loves throwing the ball back and forth

- waves at everything and everybody

- is getting good at knowing her body parts (nose, eyes, mouth, etc)

- still a very picky eater. loves pb&j, chicken nuggets, oatmeal

- runs everywhere now

- loves to be held in the morning

- starting to like cartoons a little

- screams if she wants something

- has 10 teeth

she kepting throwing herself back and laughing

wouldnt sit down for a picture

Me at 15 months

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