We took Aves to La Madelines the morning of her birthday since we had Lifegroup and wouldnt be able to spend the evening of her birthday with her. She got to enjoy a blueberry muffin and ate every bit of it. We gave her, her chair when she first woke up but did the other gifts when daddy got off work. I think she is going to love her new chair she got...just not sure if she can sit steal long enough to actually sit in it. ha!
We are so excited to see the new growth and changes Aves will go through this year. Age one should be a fun age as she will be more moblie and able to interact more...which also will probably make me more tired by the end of the day. ha! We love our little Aves so much!
What Aves is up to:
- weight 19.4, 20%
- height 28 1/2, 30%
- 12 month clothing (pants are a little big)
- just got her first hair cut ( will post pic later)
- says dada, mama, and dog
- walking everywhere now, but gets excited and falls
- loves climbing into drawers
- loves chicken nuggets and mac and cheese
- drinking whole milk
- 2 bottom teeth, and getting her top 4 right now
- still taking 2 naps
- mamas girl, doesnt like me to leave her site
- doesnt like to be rocked anymore before bedtime (miss that)
- loves to share her food

I love my birthday chair

Feeding daddy some muffin
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